Special Education @ HACS

Child Find – Search & Serve

 We believe that every  child is entitled to a free and appropriate education !

Highland Academy and charter schools within the El Dorado County Charter Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) offer programs for youngsters of all ages who have:

 Communication problems
 Learning difficulties
 Physical disabilities

If you think your child needs special help in school, contact us today.

Meet Our Special Education Staff!

Taylor Eras

Special Education Specialist

Michael Ragsdale


Jennifer Majestic


Katie McIntosh


​Effective July 1st, 2021, Highland Academy Charter School joined the El Dorado County Charter Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) to enable our school to provide services for our special education students. The El Dorado County Charter SELPA was the first statewide charter-only SELPA. The Charter SELPA is a cooperative model designed to ensure special education programs are available for all students with disabilities. For more information, news and events visit their  main website. If you are a parent of an IEP student and need to contact El Dorado Charter SELPA, their toll-free number is  1-800-524-8100.

Our Commitment

We are committed to identifying, locating, and assessing all students who may have disabilities, and providing appropriate support and/or related services to those students determined eligible by an educational evaluation.

We are dedicated to providing eligible students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) consistent with federal and state laws. For information call 951-266-0220 or email our Special Education Specialist.